The Goff Environmental Microbiology Lab

Department of Chemistry, SUNY ESF

News from the Goff Lab



Goff Lab research is featured on the US Department of Energy's KBase platform. 
A working group of bioinformatics undergraduate researchers from the Goff and Maresca labs.
Jennifer receives Faculty Fellow award from the Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems. 
For this project, students in the Goff lab will screen alloyed bimetallic nanoparticles for their application as antimicrobial materials for air filters—with our goal of understanding the physiological responses of bacteria to the nanoparticles. 

Jennifer is a guest on the Matters Microbial podcast talking about microbes and metals! 

Summer undergraduate research awards for Goff lab members.

The Goff lab received funding for two full-time research experiences for ESF undergraduates this summer! Chan is funded by the NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions to work on a project investigating how weathering impacts metal adsorption onto microplastic surfaces. Rebecca is being funded by the SUNY Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) to identify genes involved in multi-metal stress responses in bacteria.
Rebecca working in the lab.

Jennifer's article on the history of women in antimicrobial development is published by ASM for Women's History Month!

From drug development to determining the mechanisms of drug resistance, numerous women researchers have been critical in the fight against infectious diseases within the human population.


SUNY ESF Enzyme of the Year

SUNY ESF Enzyme of the Year as determined by the FCH430 Biochemistry I class.

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