The Goff Environmental Microbiology Lab

Department of Chemistry, SUNY ESF
Our research examines how complex combinations of environmental stressors such as heavy metals and other contaminants, warming, and fire impact the activities of key microbial populations. Additionally, we are exploring adaptive evolution in the context of these stressors with a particular focus on the role of mobile genetic elements in this process.

Current Researcher Recruitment Status as of July 2024

Are you an undergraduate looking for a semester or summer position?

Please send me an email describing your interests within the context of my lab's work and attach a copy of your current resume. 

Prospective Grad Student?

Please look at the Biochemistry or Environmental Chemistry (Ph.D. or M.S.) graduate programs in the Department of Chemistry or the Graduate Program in Environmental Science (Ph.D. or M.S.) to see what the program requirements are and at the application page for graduate programs to see the admission requirements. 

Interested in a Postdoctoral position?

We will need to write fellowship proposals. There is a comprehensive list of fellowship opportunities here. Please reach out if there is research you'd like to do in my group and a proposal you'd like to write! I am happy to suppport you through this process. 
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